mercredi 23 mars 2011

Social Media ROI

1. What is meant by 'Social Media is not free'?
. Everything you put into a social media programm has a cost attached to it.
. You need to spend time by joining the conversation and interacting with your community.
. You should hire someone with specific knowledge to develop your Social Media plan.
. Even if the cost of investment is not that high, the financial impact can become huge after taking many actions on Social Media such as creating a Facebook page, a Twitter account and definitely enlarge tthe community by attracting fans and followers.
2. In addition to rooms bookings, what measurements would be effective for hotels?
. By the number of engaged and active followers.
. By the way they share your information.
. By knowing your reputation, your image.
3. How should a hotel, with limited resources, decide what SM efforts to make?
. Establish the goals you want to achieve.
. Which target you want to reach.
. The type of communication you will use.
. Depend also on your competitive set.
. The budget they want to spend in their Social Media campaign
4. What role does SM play in offering customer services?
. By interacting with your community, you can ask questions, opinions and advices about the current facilities and services offer by your hotel. So customer services can definitely improve.
. Be different from your competitors by posting interesting contents.
. Create engagement and satisfaction.

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